Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is LARP?

LARP stands for Live Action Role Play.  Have you ever wanted to be someone else, even just for a little while?  That’s what this is.  It is an immersive event wherein players pretend to be someone else.  They take on new dress, mannerisms, actions, and beliefs of a new person.  These folks then interact with a story that was written for them.

How do I LARP?

Think of a character you’d like to be.  How does that character dress?  How do they act?  At its core, its all play-pretend and dress-up.  Just the adult version.

What kind of LARP is Xanodria?

Xanodria has done several different kinds of LARP in the past, but now focuses on Medieval Fantasy.  Take a look at the photos on our Facebook page for ideas!

What is the difference between Cast and Adventurer?

In the world for which we write stories, we need people and things to fill it.  That would be the cast.   You may have heard the term NPC (non-player character) before.  We here at Xanodria know that our cast is much more than simply non-players.  The cast are the monsters, the villains, the townsfolk.  The cast are everyone and everything that are not the adventurers.

The adventurers are ones who interact with the stories that are written.  In essence, they can make or break any game by their actions (or lack thereof).  You may have heard the term PC (player character) before.  Our adventurers don’t just play – they adventure!  They are thieves and heroes.  They are priests, sailors, warriors, and mages.  They save the world over and over again.

Can I just watch?

Unfortunately, no.  In order to maintain the immersion experience, we don’t allow people to “just” watch.  If you prefer to cast as a non-com person, that would be fine.

What is non-com?

Non-com is a person who, for whatever reason, doesn’t participate in combat.  They wear very bright, extremely ugly green sashes over everything.  They are not allowed to use or be hit with weapons.  Once you “go non-com” in a game, you must stay non-com for the rest of the game.  There are still lots of options in both cast and adventurer for those who choose to go non-combat.

What should I bring?

Bring yourself, your creativity, your ideas, and your fun!  Oh, and bedding.  And black sweats for new cast.  Really, go take a look at the New Player page to see a full list.

I’m 16.  Can I come?

Due to the insurance that we have, only those LARPers who are 18 and over may join us.

Does it hurt?

It shouldn’t.  Yes, you can get hurt, but that isn’t the norm.  Our weapons are checked every single game for potential flaws.  They are made with pvc, covered with foam, and then with duct tape.  The foam softens them, and we do teach all new folks (everyone was new at some point) not to hit overly hard.  However, mistakes do happen.  In case of hard-hitters or other mishaps, we do have someone on site with medical experience and first aid kits planted on the land.

Do you provide food?

We do provide food during game time.  If you choose, at registration, to have your food provided for you, it costs $16 + tax and covers you for lunch/dinner, breakfast, and lunch again.  If you choose not to have your food provided for you, you may absolutely bring your own.

Where do I sleep?

Xanodria Production games are held at Olivet Blue Mountain Camp.  This campground has a lodge that has bunks, showers, and bathrooms.  You will, however, have to provide your own bedding, as we here at XPI do not have a laundry department.

How are meals handled?

XPI offers fresh cooked meals to all players while the game is in progress. This usually means lunch and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday.

What are “boffer” weapons? How does XPI simulate combat?

XPI uses foam-padded “boffer” weapons constructed of PVC pipe wrapped with thick insulation padding and covered with a protective layer of tape.

What is a “BGA?”

“B.G.A.” stands for “Between Game Action.” These are actions your character takes between game events.

What is XPI’s “Living Adventure?”

We call XPI a “Living Adventure” for several reasons.

In the strictest sense, we fall into the category of a “Live-Action” LARP game, as we do simulate combat using padded weapons and other conventions common to the genre.

On the other hand, we are more interested in the roleplaying aspect of the game, much like an Interactive Literature game. This is not to say there is no combat at an XPI game, but that it is only a means to an end: not an end in itself.

The way to enjoy an XPI game to the fullest is to roleplay as best you can. Later on we’ll cover this topic more fully, but suffice it to say that you and those around you will find fun and success by being “in character” as completely as possible.

As mentioned before, we take pride in the realism of our games. No matter which Genre you participate in, you will discover that XPI and other players strive to act the way their characters would act. The costumes are as close to authentic as possible, and the props and scenery are all carefully built up to create the realism that allows you to roleplay and enjoy the game to its fullest.

What is a “LARP?”

“LARP” is an acronym for “Live Action Roleplaying Game.” Think of it as a tabletop roleplaying game where you become your character!

LARP is the general term used to describe one of two different kinds of roleplaying games that involve players acting out the parts of their characters rather than using traditional “tabletop” gaming conventions.

“Interactive Literature” is the style of Live Roleplay games that uses a non-active system to simulate many actions, including combat if combat is used at all. Such systems often vary from game to game, with rules created to handle a specific scenario as needed. They provide for great flexibility in simulation, with nearly every action abstracted to the point where your character and you may have nothing in common at all. Like Live-Action games, they will often use costumes, props, and authentic scenery to establish a realistic atmosphere for the game.

“Live-Action” games, on the other hand, often place more emphasis on the combat portions of the game. Players who wish to fight monsters or each other do so with some form of simulated weapons. Nearly every action you may wish your character to perform must be acted out in some way in a Live-Action game. Many games have evolved skill and hit-point systems that closely parallel their tabletop roleplaying ancestors.